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It’s time for a healthier resolution about health resolutions

2023. The New Year is here with us. For some it’s time to start off on a clean slate. For some it’s time to sign up at the gym they pass every day on their way to their favorite burger joint. For some it’s time to use the stairs more and elevate their health away from the elevator. It’s all too familiar of a song.

But have we been looking at health resolutions in a psychologically unfit way? Probably.

It is estimated that 80% of people lose track of their resolution by the time we hit end of February. A staggering statistic considering it is almost tradition in many parts of the world.

So how can we make health resolutions achievable?

Here are some tips for making and sticking to healthy resolutions for the New Year:


Be specific: Instead of resolving to “eat healthier,” try resolving to eat a serving of vegetables with every meal, or to cut out sugary drinks. Switching out to a healthier cooking oil that is significantly lower on calories like Rinsun sunflower oil could be one great option. Specific goals are easier to track and make progress towards.


Make a plan: Decide how you will incorporate your resolution into your daily routine. For example, if you want to start exercising more, plan out which days and times you will work out and what type of exercise you will do.


Start small: Don’t try to overhaul your entire lifestyle at once. Start with small, achievable goals and work your way up to bigger changes. For example, you can start by switching out a small part of your cooking ingredients. Rinsun sunflower oil offers a simple but nutrient dense serving in Omega 3 & 6, vitamins and proteins. Offering a minimal but effective way towards a healthier start.


Keep track: Use a journal or app to track your progress and stay motivated. Seeing the progress you’ve made can be a great motivator to continue.


Find a buddy: Having someone to hold you accountable and share the journey with can make it easier to stick to your resolution. Find a friend or family member who has similar goals and support each other.


Don’t beat yourself up: its okay to have setbacks or slip-ups. Don’t let one mistake derail your entire resolution. Just get back on track and keep going.


Celebrate your successes: As you make progress towards your resolution, take time to celebrate your achievements. This can help keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Remember, it’s important to be realistic and kind to yourself when it comes to making health-related resolutions. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make perfect choices all the time – it’s okay to indulge in a treat or take a break from your workout routine every once in a while.

The key is to find a balance that works for you and makes you feel good both physically and mentally.

What are your health resolutions for the year?

Good or bad? Connect with us on our socials

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